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Why Is Advertising Important to Your Business?

Advertising is not only an effective form of marketing, but the advertising landscape continues to grow. This is why businesses spent over $262 billion in advertising last year alone. Advertising can enhance brand awareness and increase sales, no matter the size of your business or your niche. But many businesses still don’t know the significance of advertising.

Are you asking yourself, “why is advertising important?” Read our advertising guide to discover the benefits of an ad campaign, plus some tips to get started.

Why Is Advertising Important?

There are numerous advertising benefits. Here are a few advantages you’ll experience when adopting an advertising strategy.

Educate Consumers

Advertising educates existing and potential customers about your business while promoting your products and services. Once your audience understands your brand, they will feel a deeper connection and will develop trust. This will bring customers down the sales funnel, leading you closer to a sale.

Another reason why advertising creates trust is that you can educate potential customers about your industry while also using your products as a solution. Your audience will see you as an industry leader and will turn to your brand for answers to their questions.

Builds Awareness

Advertising is an easy way to build brand awareness. First, potential customers will need to see your brand about seven times before remembering your company. Advertising is a good way to expedite this process. Paid ads will not only increase exposure, but the right ad platforms will put you in front of your target audience.

Potential customers won’t only start recognizing your brand but also the niche you’re in and the products you sell. Online advertising makes it easy to put yourself at the forefront on Google, YouTube, and social media, so potential customers can immediately click on your website link or social media channels after seeing your ad.

Acquire New Customers

Because advertising enhances brand awareness, this is a good strategy for acquiring new customers. And the best part? Google and social media algorithms will match your company to the right audience, depending on their internet activity. This means you’ll get your ads in front of the right people.

As opposed to traditional advertising methods, which expose your brand to a larger audience without the fine-tuned algorithms, you’ll save money while gaining more revenue.

Today, there are more advertising strategies optimized for your ROI. You can use paid media and PPC campaigns to only pay when someone clicks on your link or impression.

Retain Existing Customers

Advertising can also be a useful tool to retain the existing customers you have already attracted—so much so that nearly 50% of businesses use online advertising to retain customers.

Since online advertising gets you in front of the right audience, your past customers will remember your brand when they see your ads. The right ads can also re-attract your customers. For example, you can create an advertising strategy around a big sale you’ll host. Existing customers may also be drawn to new product announcements more than new audience members.

Boosts Employee Morale

Did you know that 65% of American workers are satisfied with their job? When your employees are happy at work, they will be more productive.

What does this have to do with advertising? When you host a successful advertising strategy, your brand will become a leader in your space. And when your employees talk about work to their family and friends, they will start recognizing your company.

These conversations are also great for your company. Word-of-mouth is a free and effective marketing strategy. Let’s say your employees are discussing work, and their peers say they have never heard of your company. They can Google your business name or look you up on social media and see how much you invest in ads. This will make your business look legitimate and trustworthy.

Stay Ahead of the Competition

Advertising is also an effective strategy for dominating your competitors. Since you’re all competing for the same audience members, the right advertising strategy will ensure that you’re the first business that customers see.

In addition, there’s a good chance your competitors are also using advertising. Your competitors will be promoted, and you lose all of these sales opportunities.

Many businesses are hesitant to begin an advertising strategy due to a lack of funds or a small marketing budget. Fortunately, you have many options. You can invest in advertising keywords to lower costs, and you can even place ads on other third parties, such as social media and review platforms. These options help you control spending and maximize your ROI.

Promotes Products and Services

Promoting your products and services is one of the most popular advertising strategies.

Product advertising can work for any business, regardless of size or industry. You can use ads to not only promote a new product but market your event, expand a product or service you already have, and even market your political campaign. This is especially a useful tool for new businesses since your target market isn’t familiar with your products and services.

When you make your ads, don’t make it all about the product. You’ll still need to address your audience and target their pain points. Answer these questions when creating your ads:

  • Who is your audience
  • What do they want from your products and services
  • Where can they get your products
  • When they can access your products and services
  • Why is this a must in their lives

From here, you can create effective ads.

Increases Sales

With that being said, advertising can increase sales. In one study, 59% of new product ads showed a positive impact on sales. While other forms of marketing show results, advertising stands out because businesses gain sales quicker. Ads will immediately drive customers to your website, store, landing pages, and product page.

Explains Company Values

Even if you don’t use ads to promote your products, your advertising strategy is a great way to express your company values.

When creating company ads, use a powerful message that will strengthen your brand and build loyalty among customers. Express your values and traits to attract customers that align with your ethics. Create visible ads, specifically videos, that will resonate with your audience. All of this will encourage customers to buy from your company.

Advertising Tips to Know

There are many benefits of an advertising strategy, but you’ll want to create the right campaign to see results. Here are some tips to create effective ads.

Explain Product Benefits

Do more than show off your great products—explain the benefits of using your products and services, how they differ from what’s on the market, and why they’re the best solution. Knowing your products’ benefits will attract more audience members and increase sales.

Use Powerful Imagery

When you use high-quality photos and videos, it will be more likely that your customers remember your brand. Find the most unique and interesting images and media that you can find. You can also seek help from a creative agency to create the most eye-catching graphics and media. Since your company will be fresh in their minds, they will buy from your brand over a competitor.

What if you’re using a PPC strategy? You can also touch on this same point in your ad copy. Use descriptive language such as metaphors to captivate the mind while conveying a clear advertising message.

Know Your Audience

No matter what type of advertising you choose, know your target audience. When you use media and wording that interests your core demographic, they will be more likely to increase your sales.

What if you don’t know your audience demographics? First, look at your industry. Certain products and services are more attractive to those in a certain age group, gender, location, and income level.

If your niche is more versatile, you can look at the customers you have already attracted. If they don’t provide their demographics during the sale, you can offer a customer survey. Just make sure to keep privacy laws in mind.

Different Advertising Mediums

You have limitless advertising platforms to choose from. PPC, social media, native, display, search, video, and email ads are some of the most popular and effective examples. You also shouldn’t forget traditional advertising, such as television, radio, and print ads. Try investing in these strategies and finding the one that generates the most results.

Do You Need Advertising Help?

Why is advertising important? As you can see, advertising can help you grow your brand and increase sales. But to see results, you’ll need the best strategy.

Did you try DIY advertising and didn’t see results? It may be time to seek professional help. Our agency uses an omnichannel approach to marketing and advertising, tapping into all avenues in digital and traditional media. We also offer additional services, such as SEO, content marketing, design, web development, and more. We also offer solutions for companies in specific niches.

Contact us today to get started!

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