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How Digital Marketing Can Help Build a Sustainable Brand

How Digital Marketing Can Help Build a Sustainable Brand

Can you believe that a whopping 95% of teenagers are more active on YouTube than any other social media platform, including TikTok?

If you’re trying to market to a teenage audience, for instance, then this is info isn’t something you can afford to ignore. Whether your business’s target audience is teens, the elderly, or all of the above, using social media for marketing is essential.

Are you wondering if an internet strategy is even necessary? Keep reading to learn how digital marketing can help build a sustainable brand.

You Can Reach a Huge Number of People

Without an established social media presence, you can’t expect to maintain a sustainable brand for long. There are only so many people you can reach using traditional marketing methods in your local area.

Are you aware that almost 60% of Americans have admitted that they use their smartphone too much? It’s all too common for people to check their iPhones and other devices many times throughout the day. By having a presence online, you can ensure that this wide pool of people becomes aware of your products and services.

Smartphones tend to have a significant amount of apps, and these often include major social media platforms. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and many other apps are great ways to reach users who may not have ever heard of your brand otherwise.

You Can Interact on a Personal and Professional Level

When you take out an ad in a magazine, on a billboard, or on the television, for instance, it’s a one-way exchange of info. It’s quite easy for someone to see these ads and ignore them. Even if a potential customer has a question, there’s often no quick or easy way for them to get an answer.

This isn’t true for social media, though. Instead of wondering about one or more aspects of a product or service, they can leave a comment on your social media post. It’s even possible to set up a function in which they can slide into your DMs and start a productive conversation.

Not only can you answer their questions and address their concerns in full, but you’ll also have the opportunity to fine-tune your approach. For instance, they may be on the fence regarding the type of product or service they need. By listening to their concerns and learning about their situation, you can offer suggestions that will result in yet another happy customer.

Sometimes the comments from potential customers are playful in nature. Instead of being a cold and faceless brand, you can react to their joke with a laughing emoji or even crack a joke in return. These kinds of unique exchanges can make a lasting impression on someone and could even turn them into life-long customers.

There’s also a possibility of a tasteful joke going viral. This will get your brand yet another boost of valuable exposure. Of course, it depends on the type of brand you have and what tone you want to maintain.

Regardless of all that, it’s still important to be personable.

You’ll Have the Opportunity to Manage Your Reputation

It’s an unfortunate fact that you may come across some negative comments on social media. Instead of ignoring these, it can be fruitful to do everything you can to manage your reputation. Since a comments section is open to everyone, you can bet that others are watching.

Just the fact that you’re making an effort to educate or satisfy someone will go a long way toward giving a positive impression. Even if you don’t change that particular commentator’s mind, it’ll have a good effect on people who come across the exchange.

If it’s someone who bought the product and wasn’t happy with it, then you can tell them to reach out with more details so that you can work toward solving the issue. Whether it’s a refund, a different product, or something else, this kind of effort is a cornerstone of sustainable brand building.

You’ll Have Access to Valuable Analytics

Instead of shouting into an internet void, you can strategize your branding by using research and analytics. Without these elements, you may find it extremely difficult if not impossible, to reach your branding goals.

You’ll be glad to know that gathering this kind of information is easy in certain ways. Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are some platforms that make it simple to run ads. Rather than being in the dark and hoping that your ad is successful, you’ll be given a wealth of data.

From the number of clicks and other interactions your ad gets to the type of people who see it, you can use this info to launch more and more effective ad campaigns. For instance, you can fine-tune your target audience based on location, interests, age, and gender, among others.

That way, you won’t waste time and money by running an ad in someone’s feed even though they have little to no interest in what you’re trying to sell.

You Can Depict Your Brand in Different Ways

From YouTube and Facebook to Pinterest and Reddit, there are many different ways to represent your brand on social media. It’s understandable if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the number of platforms out there. The good news is that you don’t have to create an account on every single social media site.

Instead, it’s worth starting with the platforms that are both popular and fit your brand the best. For instance, anyone who is selling clothing will definitely want to post modeling photos on a site where pictures are at the forefront. These include Instagram and Pinterest, among others.

It’s much easier for an artistic and eye-catching photo to go viral on social media platforms like those than, say, Reddit or YouTube. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try branching out and expanding your horizons, too.

A clothing brand could also create alluring video content that would work perfectly on YouTube or even TikTok and Snapchat.

The exact strategy will depend on your products and services, your goals, and more. This is why it’s worth consulting with a marketing guide who has the necessary expertise to take your brand to the next level and beyond.

Don’t forget to maintain consistency across the various platforms. This is one of the most important elements of branding. That way, customer expectations will be within the same range, and your brand will always be recognizable.

The last thing you’d want is to give the impression that your Facebook page is a different company than the one that’s represented by your Twitter account. Using the same logo, color scheme, and things of this nature will go a long way toward making sure there’s never any confusion.

You Can Launch a Successful Website

While it’s true that social media is a powerful way to get the word out there, you shouldn’t rely only on social media. The internet is a vast digital landscape, so it’s worth setting up a headquarters that people can visit using links on other sites. Without a proper business site, you won’t be able to inspire the confidence that’s necessary for attracting customers.

Websites are a wonderful way to inform people about your products, your services, and the ethos of your business as a whole. Don’t forget to include the pages that visitors always expect, such as a welcome page and a contact page, among others.

It’s also an easy way for customers to place orders. Convenience is everything, so it’s worth offering an online option instead of forcing people to come to one of your locations in person.

Aside from taking advantage of social media, you can direct internet users to your official website by publishing high-quality articles on a regular basis. You might be asking yourself, “What types of articles would I publish?”

branding expert can help you find topics that are trending. They’ll also ensure that there’s a relevant connection to your brand. That way, your readers will view your business as an authority within your field.

Are You Ready to Build a Sustainable Brand?

Now that you’ve learned how digital marketing can help build a sustainable brand, you can get your name out there and generate more buzz than ever before. With enough elbow grease, it’s even possible to become a household name.

46Mile is a full-service digital marketing agency that’s driven by data. From strategy and branding to research and analytics and beyond, we can help your business reach its goals and set even more ambitious ones.

If you’re ready to make great things happen, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We look forward to working together.

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